Saturday, November 12

Help me?

I am FRUSTRATED, HURT, CONFUSSED blah , blah, blah, I am coming to my fellow bloggers searching out the answer to Y?????????????????
I have never really come to the blog with personal issues……..
I know this girl! She needs some help!! Her 5 year old is either screwaming at the top of his lungs he hates her or he is doing exactly the opposite of what she said.

WHY? Not spank??? Fear of to much temper or THE DISAPPROVMENT of her PEEPS! You know the adults who you look towards when inside you search for a comforting feeling but all you see is……………………….

YEAH!! They went to sleep in 15 minutes.

Inside I am screaming

“ I wore them out for 45 minutes before your turn!!!!!!!!”
Current Mood: weird

Thursday, November 10

Hi guy's! I moved. I got an account at another blog site. I have not stoped writing here or began writing more there I am still checkn htings out and trying to customize my other one so please stay in touch! and let me know what you think!

Monday, November 7

Who I once was is not who I am now, but it made me this way!! AND, thats OK with me.

Maybe its not the journey, its the destination? or is the destination, not the journey?

In two days tomorrow will be yesterday.
Today is no special day and I have no particular reason for writing to you...
I have no news to tell you.... nor any problems to discuss with you.... or gossip to tell you...
It's only one of those happy moments.. when I thought of you... and I would like to share these thoughts with you...

Keep scrolling, and if you don't smile, then I believe you must be dead!!! Always have good self esteem... Take care of your friends, especially those dearest to you... Take care of your body... But most of all find time to relax...Big Hug from your friend... To The World You Might Be One Person; But To One Person You Might Be the World.

(a note from my Grandfather I just personalized it with something that makes me smile)

Sunday, November 6

Every year!! I always love it!!!!!!!!
But, I am getting older and the 21 year olds keep get'n younger:?

WE go every year, with the exception of last year I was in labor. My husband and I know most of the Anchorage Chapter and Fairbanks Chapter of the Hells Angels. AND proudly so... and for Halloween I can always excpect a good time. I started going to the HAlloween party at 20 witch meant I kept my head down and pretended I was 21. At 18 when I met most of them I was a stripper, who knew everything, and looked it!!!!??
"I didnt have to be the best look'n girl in the room as long as I believed it, they would!"

Well when I walked in to the party this year, I could tell what the "know it all" party girls where thinknig but they DIDNT KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING :~)
"ITS OK HONEY, YOU WILL LEARN" (and it will probably not be by taking the easy road) No I was not judging I just remember all the lessons I had yet to learn.
I caught myself thinking back to "the days?" and realized that just maybe

"THESE ARE THE DAYS" (for me )
(BACK to the party) We spent time with old friends caught up on life and realized next Halloween Nate and I would be sitt'n right there, together, older and reminising about this year!
AND- this year I was older and ALTHOUGH I no longer know everything ,,,,,, smarter !
We finished the night early,
and just as we got in o bed the phone rang!
Apparently our baby girl wanted to come home and sleep in her bed- and that was fine with us:?

If you read this,
if your eyes are passing over this right now,
even if we don't speak often,
please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad.
en you're finished, post these instructions on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you.

Some wedn picts

More at yahoo link