Monday, April 28

I just dont get here enough

Here I am! I just dont get here enough! I really have nothing to complain about and when things are great I feel like I am gloating instead of updating.

Kids are great, Husband is great! Marriage is great! SSSOOOO!

What else is there?
The elections that are crazy right now. obama or Hillary? Well I am leading to Obama witch is different than where I started. We need a president that is for change. Alot of what he is saying is much like Kennedy. That brings me to the assaination issue. I wouldnt be surprised if some back woods character from down south is so angry about a black man being president wouldnt lead us to another assaination.

The weather.... crazy, yes. Global warming and should I be more green? I think the eartyh has been warming and cooling itself for a while and with what we do to our world I quite agree we are hurrying it along. However I dont think that my pollution is contributing as much as jets, and factorys and nuclear waste from large companies not to mention corporate America. They are just not the same but I try to do my little part.

I will not however be paying the city 6 bucks a month to come pick up my recycling when I can take the cans down and make a little flow.

I have to close. Just becasue I am not posting doesnt mean I am not reading.

Another day another load of laundry! Off I go!


At 5/05/2008 , Blogger reliv4life said...

Hey! Great to see you back! I was trying to decide whether to take you off my favorite blogs list, glad I dont' have to!

At 5/23/2008 , Blogger Friar Tuck said...

Good to see you back!

SOunds like you are busy!

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