Tuesday, June 6

Here I am! Here I am!


All is good here! My family is well again. my husband went to the Dr. today for an evaluation. basically what they said was to settle with the insurance company he will get better over time. I love the spine institute. i just wopnder what the settlement will be for. I hope for enough to get us into a home.

As for my recent adventures.... just loven life. I think the world is a pretty great place. I am loving my bible study group and the people there.

My sister and her kids are over and I just love it when they visit. We take turns pickn on kids. Its great. Our little mini me's. boy are we in for it.

As for todays society... I no longer feel that we should just blow up Iraq just bring our troops home. I think Bush is a terrible president. I think our young people are expposed to much "adultness" , launguage, ect. I think the Da Vinci code was probably just a good book the movie wasnt that great and it was all just fiction. I think we excpect the worst and it should be the other way around. I think list's are a daily essential and I think babies are great but it just keep's getting better as they grow. i think God is under rated and I think tooth pick skinny girls are just not real.

just some topic starters and thoughts from Tab