Friday, January 4

As I reflect on the year past and the one on its way I have so many questions. It was a great year. The kids are bigger we can do more with them and they are developing these wonderful personalities. They are just getting to be more fun. So do I want another one? I do you know the little pink human coming into the world is a great thing BUT! am I done with diapers and more bills and another big question..... Working? LAst night I was watching this thing on the home channel. We would really like to buy something, if I was working it would be a little more better deal.The average home in Anchorage is 250 k to 300k for something with land. ect. NAthan continues in the union and with his schooling so he continues to get raises. We continue making more and more but then I think we spend more and more. Plus he is supporting a 4 person family on his own. That could be a lot of pressure. HE is happy with the way things are. He wants me to stay home like his mother did and raisse the kids plus Grace will be going to school soon so maybe then but that is still 2 years away. Another point; I was listening to an old sermon the other day saying how being a stay at home mother is the most gratifying and the best for your kids, witch in so many ways I agree but I havent worked in what 3 1/2 years and sometimes miss that life outside of the house feeling. I could get more involved with the church and try helping out there more but again I wouldnt be contributing to getting a home or our trip to Vegas in this year. Our first vacation with the kids. Some of my friends whom I truely trust say I am not missing much with the owrk thing, but in a way I still feel like I am. I am not going to complain the whole blog. I am thinking of maybe finding a job I can do from home. Like transcription. Like a medical transcriber. I am not sure but I am going to investigate just what that takes. Also Grace just woke up and got herself dressed and gives me the best feeling first thing in the morning and I wouldnt trade that...... I am just saying..... maybe this year no resolution I am not going to get right....... maybe something bigger... for me to do for all of us....?


At 1/05/2008 , Blogger Heidi said...

I went back to work after kymber was born...I loved it! I NEEDED a life, it did great things for me... confidence, self esteem, friends. What I later I found I missed a lot of milestones with her. I gave them away to someone else... :(

I guess my point is there are pro's and cons for both sides. No easy answers... I don't want to be working right now but I think it is the job. I do enjoy the paycheck.

There is a GREAT need for medical transcribing and medical coders. I used to do billing and the coding part was kind fun. I have often thought of getting trained to do it (instead of being thrown in to figure it out myself) or maybe expediting.... so I don't get OFFICE chair butt.

If you are interested... I have a few names of transcribers ... they make good money... I pay their bill.

At 1/09/2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1/10/2008 , Blogger Friar Tuck said...

I think there is something natural about wanting to work.

If you do it, just take it a little bit at a time. And something you are not going to take home with you when you are done with it.


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