Friday, August 26

Where was I when???????

Ten Years ago...............
I was 14 years old and I was leaving my life with my Mom and family to start a new life with my Dad. At the time it was the scariest time of my life. In Idaho I had always had the safe house of my grandparents, all the friends I had ever known and my MOTHER! Whom, never realized just how much I needed her. It was all I had known. So there I began on the adventure of my life time.
Five years ago................
I was having my son. Whom saved my life from a life of badness. I was engaged to my husband and moving from a one bedroom apartment to a five bedroom house. I was coming to grips with the idea of growing up.
One year ago..................
I was ready to have my daughter, sick of being pregnant, and trying to make my marriage survive. We had hit some bumps to put it safely. I was getting the house ready for my bundle of joy.
One week ago................
I was moving from our big house where we had been for the past 5 years. My husband was going to Kenai for the week and I was beginning the weaning process with my daughter.
Also last weekend, my son and daughter and I went to point Waransoff and watched the sunset with our ice cream and the boy kept telling me "isn't this paradise?" and so we planned a picnic with daddy for the next night when he got home. And, it was great showing daddy our little bit of paradise.
SO HERE I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 24


Ready or Not

Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to do or should have different priorities for the day. Like today all that has to be done is go to the bank. How do u get excited when that is all that is on the agenda? Everyday I try to spend some one on one with my kiddos but that's a given. It is important, the child rearing part of the day but I feel there is just something more out there for me. The boy starts school soon and we have stuff to do but once he does start what will I do. My husband travels a lot for work so the baby and I will have to find some time passers.
Yesterday my little sister turned 9 and all that entaled passed the day.
What did I learn? Maybe life is great just the way it is? I never really have nothing to do. I suppose I will continue being a housekeeper, a cook, a dishwasher, an accountant, a chauffeur, a babysitter, a secretary, ect.

YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT! I AM GREAT WITH THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The glass is half full that kind of thing:)

Tuesday, August 23

This is so crazy, this blogging thing. I was looking at some of my friends and I think I love it. My baby is up, so might as well. I used 2 think I was the kind of person that could say what was on her mind, but , I dont know who will be chk'n up on me so I'll have to create some crazy code for all the really juicy stuff.
I feel like sex in the city!:)

Monday, August 22

My first time!

Everyone these days has a Blog! Well my girlfriends are doing it so I am gonna try it out. Yes, if they where jumping off the Brooklyn bridge I would! Can't let them have all the FUN!
SO here we go!!!