Thursday, October 27


Oh but I did, those of u in complete disbelief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
& I truly didn’t mean 2…………..
Look let me just start out by saying I recently lost a CLOSE! Friend & I’d hate 2 lose another!!
But …………TONIGHT I REALIZED -   ALL friendships r different.
I’d like 2 say I m pretty blunt and upfront but yes I have “manners”(4 lack of a better word)  If I have a problem I don’t beat around the bush…

I’M there and all is well… Really I am happy to b out of the house and starting to feel comfortable with the idea my family can hang out with her family and it’s comfortable…. UNTILLLLL
I SAY:  what 2 me is PLAYFUL BANTER
TO HER:    I am supposing was rude!!  I  brought up this situation we had a couple days previous, that I believed was behind us!  Truthfully I wasn’t mad in the first place I thought I had been only voicing my opinion,  not preaching or judging.
TO HER:  was criticism…. So 2night when I said it joking with her…. YES!!  I think she took it personally.
I have apologized a couple times,,, still it bothers me,

ON 1 HAND:  I was trying 2 cheer her up and make her laugh. I failed and made it uncomfortable.  I did use my version of comedy but apparently it was harsher than intended.  
IN MY DEFENSE=  the friendship that ended was one In a million and she got me, she understood ME!  I guess in trying to fill some of that dependency I just assumed  this friend would get “MY INTENTIONS!!
               Again let me remind you it was to make her laugh!!!  Give her a little fire, a little pep’ Everyone has  been so serious lately!  

ON THE OTHER HAND:  I could have just avoided the whole situation by just avoiding the subject,  
But in my head it wasn’t an issue.

I am me….. And I am not one to explain but my husband said that I may have sounded serious!!  My serious “CHIT CHAT” is nothing like that!  Its much louder and 2 the point!!!

Still this friend has been a good one and these are stressful times for all I just wanted to say…….
     Its possible I expected 2 much and I apologize.  I guess I just assumed SHE  understood by no means was I being spiteful  I guess since when I left it felt uncomfortable ,

Wednesday, October 26


THIS ONE Creepy Smiler is the boys-he and the neighbor girls did it and I put a color changing LED and its great.

> The Smiler Cat with the hands is Mine And Graces we used her handprints!!:?

The one that has eyes looking up from the ground and he says BOO!! Mine as well^

The Spider below is LARAS

Seren went with the Black Cat AND this is the punkins!!!!!!!!!!!


I had coffee with my lady friends. They r great.. Each one different!
& COOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I was late….BUT….not as late as 1. :? That’s great ‘cause I am usually “THE 1” Shana , I hope we didn’t wear out our welcome. ( I no I was ok it was “them”)

ALSO 2DAY, I am did a poster with Gage & read him a book because I felt like he & I had not had our time lately.
Baby’s tooth will b any minute. Grumpy yes!! But still I FORGIVE her!!!!!!!!!


THEY ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 25

Just give up!

Monday, October 24

TABS billions....

* A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
* A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
* A billion ideas / mistakes ago made me the TAB I am today.
* A billion whims ago I was an all knowing invinsible teenager.
* A billion "yeah rights" ago kids where "ICKYY".
* A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate the government spends it.