Wednesday, August 24

Ready or Not

Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to do or should have different priorities for the day. Like today all that has to be done is go to the bank. How do u get excited when that is all that is on the agenda? Everyday I try to spend some one on one with my kiddos but that's a given. It is important, the child rearing part of the day but I feel there is just something more out there for me. The boy starts school soon and we have stuff to do but once he does start what will I do. My husband travels a lot for work so the baby and I will have to find some time passers.
Yesterday my little sister turned 9 and all that entaled passed the day.
What did I learn? Maybe life is great just the way it is? I never really have nothing to do. I suppose I will continue being a housekeeper, a cook, a dishwasher, an accountant, a chauffeur, a babysitter, a secretary, ect.

YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT! I AM GREAT WITH THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The glass is half full that kind of thing:)


At 8/25/2005 , Blogger Princess Sarah said...

I know sometimes its hard to get out of bed cause theres nothing super fun to do that day or all the other days that you need to be the housekeeper. Try putting one day aside for everyweek that you will learn something new at whatever it is your hearts desire, maybe the library or the museum. Those are fun for kids i suppose and you can learn something. hang in there you might just find that having nothing to do is not a problem. lol love you lots

At 8/25/2005 , Blogger Heidi said...

Don't kid your self when your a mom your glass is always full!
oops thats our schedule.

You have so much....and to tell you the truth will fill the time when the boy leaves. And if not im sure i could get you a nice GS troop or some chores around my house. :)


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