So, questions to ponder:How far should this new mother push parenting issues that I feel need some work?
How much homework is enough for a third grader?
How do you modify the behavior of a parent to stop it in the child?
A friend of mine was pondering these here questions and being the perfect parents that all of us are I was wondering if y'all no what the instructions of life read on this topic???
(yes I over slept and the kid was late for school) lolololololo
a step mom, she needs to be cautious not to overstep new boundries to not ruin the new relationship. but does need to be firm. I do agree children have alot of homework now, but if it is to be done and is graded, i think it is ok to push the homework isue, dad needs to help inform the child that it is her new mom and she needs to listen to her. then again the age of the child has to be rememberd but do not forget how it feels to be told things on the PARENTING subject...it is tuchy for some good luck
My Girls (2nd,4th, & 6th) do about 45 to 60 min 4 nights a week. Way more then i remember but if they focus it gets done much faster.
giving advise on parenting is often taken wrong....I learned in school that in a step-parent family(I am assuming here from saras comment) the biological parent is the main disciplinarian...for at least the first few years...the step parent obviously has to do something if their with the child alone...so time out till your father gets home.....if it is hours away still the young trouble maker may decide himself to mind you and bargain to get out...make a deal You can if you will......This earns respect from the child...children do not learn from discipline IF they do not respect the person doing the discipline...once respect is obtained on all parts then a normal family can work....oh ya this is how I chose to adapt Britt with Eric...It sucked cuz even though she over powers me he still sat back untill i needed him to get involved...Britt saw his involvement as protection of me not as an attack on her.....Straight from the text book and it did work for me....I would love to talk and refer some reading to you....I majored in psych and peds....paid thousands to learn how to be a parent.....
homework has been a gripe of mine all my life...I used to bring home lots...ny kids did too...have spoken to many a teacher on it...most claim they "give adequate time in class" to get it done BULL SHIT!!!! but its like anything else in life...cant beat it might as well do it and get it over with....then complain!!!!
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